Working with Families of Young Children with Special Needs
Edited by R. A. McWilliam
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJanuary 13, 2010
ISBN 9781606235393
Price: $47.00265 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
R. A. McWilliam, PhD, is Director of the Center for Child and Family Research at Siskin Children’s Institute, a nonprofit organization for children, families, and professionals in Chattanooga, and Professor in the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He develops interventions for young children with disabilities that always involve the children’s families; conducts research on the development of individualized family service plans, child engagement, and service delivery methods; and provides consultation, training, and technical assistance throughout the United States. Dr. McWilliam has served as Director of the Center for Child Development at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and as Senior Scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is past president of the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children, past editor of the Journal of Early Intervention, and the author or editor of several books.