New Titles:
Bestselling Titles:
12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHDRussell A. Barkley
The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: Second Edition: The Cognitive Behavioral SolutionDavid A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck
Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced WorldEllen Braaten and Brian Willoughby
An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and LearnSally J. Rogers, Geraldine Dawson, and Laurie A. Vismara
Getting Past the Affair: Second Edition: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On—Together or ApartDouglas K. Snyder, Kristina Coop Gordon, and Donald H. Baucom
Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder: Second EditionJames Lock and Daniel Le Grange
The Lost Art of Listening: Third Edition: How Learning to Listen Can Improve RelationshipsMichael P. Nichols and Martha B. Straus
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your RelationshipShari Y. Manning
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Mind Over Mood: Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkDennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and EmotionsChristopher Germer
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout: Tools to Help You Heal and Recharge When You're Wrung Out by Stress
Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and ThriveKristin Neff and Christopher Germer
The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your LifeSusan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Foreword by Zindel Segal
The Mindful Way through Depression: Second Edition: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Mindful Way Workbook: An 8-Week Program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional DistressJohn Teasdale, Mark Williams, and Zindel Segal
Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn
A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child ThriveSally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson, and James C. McPartland
Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to ExploreKent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, and Bert Powell
With Christine M. Benton
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
With Christine M. Benton
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their PotentialRichard Guare, Peg Dawson, and Colin Guare
Smart but Scattered: Second Edition: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Peg Dawson, Richard Guare, and Colin Guare