New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Essentials of Intensive InterventionEdited by Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Allison Gruner Gandhi, and Louis Danielson
SparkPatricia Leavy
Supporting Successful Interventions in Schools: Tools to Plan, Evaluate, and Sustain Effective ImplementationLisa M. Hagermoser Sanetti and Melissa A. Collier-Meek
Learning Disabilities: Second Edition: From Identification to InterventionJack M. Fletcher, G. Reid Lyon, Lynn S. Fuchs, and Marcia A. Barnes
Handbook of Competence and Motivation: Second Edition: Theory and ApplicationEdited by Andrew J. Elliot, Carol S. Dweck, and David S. Yeager
Physical Activity and Learning After School: The PAL ProgramEdited by Paula J. Schwanenflugel and Phillip D. Tomporowski
Effective Interventions for Social-Emotional LearningFrank M. Gresham
Handbook of Language and Literacy: Second Edition: Development and DisordersEdited by C. Addison Stone, Elaine R. Silliman, Barbara J. Ehren, and Geraldine P. Wallach
Educational Measurement: From Foundations to FutureEdited by Craig S. Wells and Molly Faulkner-Bond
Epilogue by Else Hambleton
Epilogue by Else Hambleton
Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBISKent McIntosh and Steve Goodman
The Psychology of Reading: Theory and ApplicationsPaula J. Schwanenflugel and Nancy Flanagan Knapp
Handbook of Professional Development in Education: Successful Models and Practices, PreK-12Edited by Linda E. Martin, Sherry Kragler, Diana J. Quatroche, and Kathryn L. Bauserman
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Handbook of Early Childhood EducationEdited by Robert C. Pianta
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework ApproachMargaret R. Roller and Paul J. Lavrakas
Handbook of Learning Disabilities: Second EditionEdited by H. Lee Swanson, Karen R. Harris, and Steve Graham
Selecting the Right Analyses for Your Data: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed MethodsW. Paul Vogt, Elaine R. Vogt, Dianne C. Gardner, and Lynne M. Haeffele
Promoting Social Skills in the Inclusive ClassroomKimber L. Wilkerson, Aaron B. T. Perzigian, and Jill K. Schurr
Promoting School Readiness and Early Learning: Implications of Developmental Research for PracticeEdited by Michel Boivin and Karen L. Bierman
Understanding and Interpreting Educational ResearchRonald C. Martella, J. Ron Nelson, Robert L. Morgan, and Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
Doing Statistical Mediation and ModerationPaul E. Jose
Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry: A Relational ApproachRuthellen Josselson
Response to Intervention and Precision Teaching: Creating Synergy in the ClassroomKent Johnson and Elizabeth M. Street
Data Analysis with MplusChristian Geiser
Knowledge Development in Early Childhood: Sources of Learning and Classroom ImplicationsEdited by Ashley M. Pinkham, Tanya Kaefer, and Susan B. Neuman
The Research Journey: Introduction to InquirySharon F. Rallis and Gretchen B. Rossman
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt