New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Understanding and Interpreting Educational ResearchRonald C. Martella, J. Ron Nelson, Robert L. Morgan, and Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
Child Psychopathology: Third EditionEdited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley
Ordinary Magic: Resilience in DevelopmentAnn S. Masten
Handbook of Personality DevelopmentEdited by Dan P. McAdams, Rebecca L. Shiner, and Jennifer L. Tackett
Child and Adolescent Development for Educators: Second EditionChristine B. McCormick and David G. Scherer
Handbook of Research Methods for Studying Daily LifeEdited by Matthias R. Mehl and Tamlin S. Conner
Foreword by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Foreword by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Understanding Bipolar Disorder: A Developmental Psychopathology PerspectiveEdited by David J. Miklowitz and Dante Cicchetti
Attachment Theory Applied: Fostering Personal Growth through Healthy RelationshipsMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Attachment in Adulthood: Second Edition: Structure, Dynamics, and ChangeMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Attachment Theory Expanded: Security Dynamics in Individuals, Dyads, Groups, and SocietiesMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Handbook of Developmental Systems Theory and MethodologyEdited by Peter C. M. Molenaar, Richard M. Lerner, and Karl M. Newell
Sexuality in Adolescence and Emerging AdulthoodRaymond Montemayor
Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 1Edited by Susan B. Neuman and David K. Dickinson
Infants, Toddlers, and Families in Poverty: Research Implications for Early Child CareEdited by Samuel L. Odom, Elizabeth P. Pungello, and Nicole Gardner-Neblett
The Psychology of Thinking about the FutureEdited by Gabriele Oettingen, A. Timur Sevincer, and Peter M. Gollwitzer
Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap between Research and PracticeEdited by David Oppenheim and Douglas F. Goldsmith
Handbook of Early Childhood EducationEdited by Robert C. Pianta
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
The Circle of Security Intervention: Enhancing Attachment in Early Parent-Child RelationshipsBert Powell, Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman, and Bob Marvin
Foreword by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Foreword by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Treatment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: Fourth EditionEdited by Mitchell J. Prinstein, Eric A. Youngstrom, Eric J. Mash, and Russell A. Barkley
The Research Journey: Introduction to InquirySharon F. Rallis and Gretchen B. Rossman
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt
Handbook of Adult ResilienceEdited by John W. Reich, Alex J. Zautra, and John Stuart Hall
Coaching Parents of Young Children with Autism: Promoting Connection, Communication, and LearningSally J. Rogers, Laurie A. Vismara, and Geraldine Dawson
Becoming Who We Are: Temperament and Personality in DevelopmentMary K. Rothbart