New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
The Psychology of Reading: Theory and ApplicationsPaula J. Schwanenflugel and Nancy Flanagan Knapp
Attachment Theory and Research: New Directions and Emerging ThemesEdited by Jeffry A. Simpson and W. Steven Rholes
Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby ApproachArietta Slade
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
Disorganized Attachment and CaregivingEdited by Judith Solomon and Carol George
The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to AdulthoodL. Alan Sroufe, Byron Egeland, Elizabeth A. Carlson, and W. Andrew Collins
Handbook of Attachment-Based InterventionsEdited by Howard Steele and Miriam Steele
Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment InterviewEdited by Howard Steele and Miriam Steele
Foreword by June Sroufe
Afterword by Deborah Jacobvitz
Foreword by June Sroufe
Afterword by Deborah Jacobvitz
Handbook of Language and Literacy: Second Edition: Development and DisordersEdited by C. Addison Stone, Elaine R. Silliman, Barbara J. Ehren, and Geraldine P. Wallach
Doing Developmental Research: A Practical GuideTricia Striano
Attachment: The Fundamental QuestionsEdited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, and Lisa J. Berlin
Social Development: Relationships in Infancy, Childhood, and AdolescenceEdited by Marion K. Underwood and Lisa H. Rosen
Handbook of Self-Regulation: Third Edition: Research, Theory, and ApplicationsEdited by Kathleen D. Vohs and Roy F. Baumeister
Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the LifespanEdited by Everett Waters, Brian E. Vaughn, and Harriet Salatas Waters
Foreword by L. Alan Sroufe
Foreword by L. Alan Sroufe
Metacognition, Strategy Use, and InstructionEdited by Harriet Salatas Waters and Wolfgang Schneider
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
Hypothesis Testing and Model Selection in the Social SciencesDavid L. Weakliem
College Drinking and Drug UseEdited by Helene Raskin White and David L. Rabiner
Handbook of Infant Mental Health: Fourth EditionEdited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Handbook of TemperamentEdited by Marcel Zentner and Rebecca L. Shiner