New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Essentials of Neuropsychological RehabilitationBarbara A. Wilson and Shai Betteridge
Effective Psychotherapy for Individuals with Brain InjuryRonald M. Ruff and Serana K. Chester
Diagnosing Learning Disorders: Third Edition: From Science to PracticeBruce F. Pennington, Lauren M. McGrath, and Robin L. Peterson
Developmental Social Neuroscience and Childhood Brain Insult: Theory and PracticeEdited by Vicki Anderson and Miriam H. Beauchamp
Cognitive Rehabilitation: Second Edition: An Integrative Neuropsychological ApproachMcKay Moore Sohlberg and Catherine A. Mateer
Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention: Second EditionEdited by Michael I. Posner
Coaching College Students with Executive Function ProblemsMary R. T. Kennedy
Foreword by McKay Moore Sohlberg
Foreword by McKay Moore Sohlberg
Clinician's Guide to Validity Assessment and Management in NeuropsychologyRyan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin
Clinical Neuropsychology of EmotionYana Suchy
Clinical Assessment of Malingering and Deception: Fourth EditionEdited by Richard Rogers and Scott D. Bender
Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced WorldEllen Braaten and Brian Willoughby
The Brain Injury Rehabilitation WorkbookEdited by Rachel Winson, Barbara A. Wilson, and Andrew Bateman
Basics of Child Neuropsychology: A Primer for Educators and CliniciansStephen R. Hooper
Foreword by George W. Hynd
Foreword by George W. Hynd
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and TreatmentEdited by Russell A. Barkley
Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: Second Edition: A Neuropsychological PerspectiveEdited by Kyle Brauer Boone
Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Second EditionEdited by Sam Goldstein and Sally Ozonoff
Asperger Syndrome: Second Edition: Assessing and Treating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum DisordersEdited by James C. McPartland, Ami Klin, and Fred R. Volkmar
Foreword by Maria Asperger Felder
Foreword by Maria Asperger Felder