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Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension: Second EditionEdited by Susan E. Israel
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Word Study for Literacy Leaders: Guiding Professional LearningEdited by Anne C. Ittner, Amy Frederick, Darl Kiernan, and Donald R. Bear
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
The Mindful School: Transforming School Culture through Mindfulness and CompassionEdited by Patricia A. Jennings
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines: General Principles and Practical StrategiesEdited by Tamara L. Jetton and Cynthia Shanahan
Developing Conceptual Knowledge through Oral and Written Language: Perspectives and Practices, PreK-12Edited by Melanie R. Kuhn and Mariam Jean Dreher
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Literacy Changemakers: Bringing the Joy of Reading and Writing into Focus for Teachers and StudentsKenneth Kunz, Maureen Hall, and Rachel Lella
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Exemplary Instruction in the Middle Grades: Teaching That Supports Engagement and Rigorous LearningEdited by Diane Lapp and Barbara Moss
Reading Success for Struggling Adolescent LearnersEdited by Susan Lenski and Jill Lewis
Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts: Strategies for Grades 6-12William E. Lewis and John Z. Strong
Foreword by Lyn Long and Bilinda Sikes
Foreword by Lyn Long and Bilinda Sikes
Cracking the Common Core: Choosing and Using Texts in Grades 6-12William E. Lewis, Sharon Walpole, and Michael C. McKenna
Foreword by Jeffrey Menzer and Jacob Nagy
Foreword by Jeffrey Menzer and Jacob Nagy
Best Practices in ELL InstructionEdited by Guofang Li and Patricia A. Edwards
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Tackling Tough Texts: A Research-Based Guide to Scaffolding Learning in Grades 6–12
Sarah M. Lupo, Dan Reynolds, and Christine Hardigree

Handbook of Writing Research: Second EditionEdited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald
Handbook of Writing Research: Third Edition
Edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald

Lessons of the Pandemic: Disruption, Innovation, and What Schools Need to Move ForwardDavid T. Marshall and Tim Pressley
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Handbook of Professional Development in Education: Successful Models and Practices, PreK-12Edited by Linda E. Martin, Sherry Kragler, Diana J. Quatroche, and Kathryn L. Bauserman
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Teaching on Solid Ground: Knowledge Foundations for the Teacher of EnglishThomas M. McCann and John V. Knapp
Foreword by Carol D. Lee
Foreword by Carol D. Lee
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction: Seventh EditionEdited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Ernest Morrell, and Heather Kenyon Casey
Foreword by Gholnecsar (Gholdy) E. Muhammad
Afterword by Cornelius Minor
Foreword by Gholnecsar (Gholdy) E. Muhammad
Afterword by Cornelius Minor
40 Strategies for Guiding Readers through Informational TextsBarbara Moss and Virginia Loh-Hagan
Academic Vocabulary in Middle and High School: Effective Practices across the DisciplinesDonna Ogle, Camille Blachowicz, Peter Fisher, and Laura Lang
Disciplinary Literacies: Unpacking Research, Theory, and PracticeEdited by Evan Ortlieb, Britnie Delinger Kane, and Earl H. Cheek, Jr.
Comprehension Instruction: Third Edition: Research-Based Best PracticesEdited by Sheri R. Parris and Kathy Headley
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
Design-Based Research in Education: Theory and ApplicationsEdited by Zoi A. Philippakos, Emily Howell, and Anthony Pellegrino
Foreword by David Reinking
Foreword by David Reinking