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Reading Instruction for Diverse Classrooms: Research-Based, Culturally Responsive PracticeEllen McIntyre, Nancy Hulan, and Vicky Layne
Empowering Struggling Readers: Practices for the Middle GradesLeigh A. Hall, Leslie D. Burns, and Elizabeth Carr Edwards
Language and Literacy Development in Bilingual SettingsEdited by Aydin Yücesan Durgunoglu and Claude Goldenberg
Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient TeachingAnita L. Archer and Charles A. Hughes
Handbook of Research on Literacy and DiversityEdited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, and Diane Lapp
Foreword by Edmund W. Gordon
Afterword by Eric J. Cooper
Foreword by Edmund W. Gordon
Afterword by Eric J. Cooper
Handbook of Adolescent Literacy ResearchEdited by Leila Christenbury, Randy Bomer, and Peter Smagorinsky
The Building Blocks of Preschool SuccessKatherine A. Beauchat, Katrin L. Blamey, and Sharon Walpole
Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers: Evidence-Based PracticesEdited by Gary A. Troia
Best Practices in ELL InstructionEdited by Guofang Li and Patricia A. Edwards
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Responsive Guided Reading in Grades K-5: Simplifying Small-Group InstructionJennifer Berne and Sophie C. Degener
Writing Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners K-8Susan Lenski and Frances Verbruggen
Engaging Children with Print: Building Early Literacy Skills through Quality Read-AloudsLaura M. Justice and Amy E. Sofka
Comprehension Across the Curriculum: Perspectives and Practices K-12Edited by Kathy Ganske and Douglas Fisher
Teaching Reading: Strategies and Resources for Grades K-6Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli
Bringing Reading Research to LifeEdited by Margaret G. McKeown and Linda Kucan
A Principal's Guide to Literacy InstructionCarol S. Beers, James W. Beers, and Jeffrey O. Smith
Metacognition, Strategy Use, and InstructionEdited by Harriet Salatas Waters and Wolfgang Schneider
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
Handbook of Child Development and Early Education: Research to PracticeEdited by Oscar A. Barbarin and Barbara Hanna Wasik
Beyond Decoding: The Behavioral and Biological Foundations of Reading ComprehensionEdited by Richard K. Wagner, Christopher Schatschneider, and Caroline Phythian-Sence
Emergent Literacy and Language Development: Promoting Learning in Early ChildhoodEdited by Paula M. Rhyner
Literacy Instruction for Adolescents: Research-Based PracticeEdited by Karen D. Wood and William E. Blanton