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Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Third Edition: Insights from LinguisticsKristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro, and Gareth Charles
Building Comprehension in Every Classroom: Instruction with Literature, Informational Texts, and Basal ProgramsRachel Brown and Peter Dewitz
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
The Building Blocks of Preschool SuccessKatherine A. Beauchat, Katrin L. Blamey, and Sharon Walpole
Bringing Words to Life: Second Edition: Robust Vocabulary InstructionIsabel L. Beck, Margaret G. McKeown, and Linda Kucan
Bringing Reading Research to LifeEdited by Margaret G. McKeown and Linda Kucan
Breaking Through the Language Arts Block: Organizing and Managing the Exemplary Literacy DayLesley Mandel Morrow, Kenneth Kunz, and Maureen Hall
Book Buddies: Third Edition: A Tutoring Framework for Struggling ReadersMarcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner, Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel
Beyond Decoding: The Behavioral and Biological Foundations of Reading ComprehensionEdited by Richard K. Wagner, Christopher Schatschneider, and Caroline Phythian-Sence
Best Practices in Writing Instruction: Third EditionEdited by Steve Graham, Charles A. MacArthur, and Michael A. Hebert
Best Practices of Literacy Leaders: Second Edition: Keys to School ImprovementEdited by Allison Swan Dagen and Rita M. Bean
Foreword by Diane Kern
Foreword by Diane Kern
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction: Seventh EditionEdited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Ernest Morrell, and Heather Kenyon Casey
Foreword by Gholnecsar (Gholdy) E. Muhammad
Afterword by Cornelius Minor
Foreword by Gholnecsar (Gholdy) E. Muhammad
Afterword by Cornelius Minor
Best Practices in ELL InstructionEdited by Guofang Li and Patricia A. Edwards
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Foreword by Lee Gunderson
Best Practices in Early Literacy InstructionEdited by Diane M. Barone and Marla H. Mallette
Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction: Third EditionEdited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Heather K. Sheridan-Thomas
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Assessment for Reading Instruction: Fourth EditionKatherine A. Dougherty Stahl, Kevin Flanigan, and Michael C. McKenna
Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual Students: Practices to Support English LearnersLori Helman, Anne C. Ittner, and Kristen L. McMaster
The American Way of Spelling: The Structure and Origins of American English OrthographyRichard L. Venezky
Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines: General Principles and Practical StrategiesEdited by Tamara L. Jetton and Cynthia Shanahan
Adolescent Literacies: A Handbook of Practice-Based ResearchEdited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Deborah A. Appleman
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Action Research in Education: Second Edition: A Practical GuideSara Efrat Efron and Ruth Ravid
Achieving Excellence in Preschool Literacy InstructionEdited by Laura M. Justice and Carol Vukelich
Foreword by William H. Teale
Foreword by William H. Teale
Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students: Core Principles for Getting Literacy Growth Back on TrackMargaret Vaughn and Seth A. Parsons