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Treating Sleep Problems: A Transdiagnostic ApproachAllison G. Harvey and Daniel J. Buysse
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Second Edition: The Process and Practice of Mindful ChangeSteven C. Hayes, Kirk D. Strosahl, and Kelly G. Wilson
Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral TraditionEdited by Steven C. Hayes, Victoria M. Follette, and Marsha M. Linehan
Changing Behavior in DBT: Problem Solving in ActionHeidi L. Heard and Michaela A. Swales
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical StrategiesRichard G. Heimberg and Robert E. Becker
Contingency Management in Substance Abuse TreatmentEdited by Stephen T. Higgins, Kenneth Silverman, and Sarah H. Heil
Foreword by Joseph V. Brady
Foreword by Joseph V. Brady
Emotion in Therapy: From Science to PracticeStefan G. Hofmann
Foreword by Steven C. Hayes
Foreword by Steven C. Hayes
Imagery-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder and Mood InstabilityEmily A. Holmes, Susie A. Hales, Kerry Young, and Martina Di Simplicio
Foreword by Gillian Butler
Afterword by Guy Goodwin
Foreword by Gillian Butler
Afterword by Guy Goodwin
Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect: Component-Based PsychotherapyElizabeth K. Hopper, Frances K. Grossman, Joseph Spinazzola, and Marla Zucker
Foreword by Bessel A. van der Kolk
Introduction by Christine A. Courtois
Foreword by Bessel A. van der Kolk
Introduction by Christine A. Courtois
Racial Trauma in Black Clients: Effective Practice for Clinicians
Jennifer R. Jones-Damis and Kelly N. Moore
Foreword by Nancy Boyd-Franklin

Foreword by Nancy Boyd-Franklin
The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician's GuideNikolaos Kazantzis, Frank M. Dattilio, and Keith S. Dobson
Foreword by Judith S. Beck
Foreword by Judith S. Beck
Cognitive and Behavioral Theories in Clinical PracticeEdited by Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, and Arthur Freeman
Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio
Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio
Cognitive Therapy of SchizophreniaDavid G. Kingdon and Douglas Turkington
Counseling Cops: What Clinicians Need to KnowEllen Kirschman, Mark Kamena, and Joel Fay
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Practical GuideKelly Koerner
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Experiencing Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out: A Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Workbook for TherapistsRussell L. Kolts, Tobyn Bell, James Bennett-Levy, and Chris Irons
Foreword by Paul Gilbert
Foreword by Paul Gilbert
Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyWillem Kuyken, Christine A. Padesky, and Robert Dudley
Science and Practice in Cognitive Therapy: Foundations, Mechanisms, and ApplicationsEdited by Robert L. Leahy
If Only…: Finding Freedom from RegretRobert L. Leahy
Emotion Regulation in Psychotherapy: A Practitioner's GuideRobert L. Leahy, Dennis Tirch, and Lisa A. Napolitano
Roadblocks in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for ChangeEdited by Robert L. Leahy