New Titles:
All Titles:
Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Science and PracticeDavid A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck
Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD: Second Edition: A Comprehensive Therapist ManualPatricia A. Resick, Candice M. Monson, and Kathleen M. Chard
Cognitive and Behavioral Theories in Clinical PracticeEdited by Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, and Arthur Freeman
Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio
Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Third Edition: Basics and BeyondJudith S. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating DisordersChristopher G. Fairburn
The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood: Second EditionChristine A. Padesky
With Dennis Greenberger
With Dennis Greenberger
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: Sixth Edition: A Step-by-Step Treatment ManualEdited by David H. Barlow
Changing Behavior in DBT: Problem Solving in ActionHeidi L. Heard and Michaela A. Swales
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Chain Analysis in Dialectical Behavior TherapyShireen L. Rizvi
CBT with Justice-Involved Clients: Interventions for Antisocial and Self-Destructive BehaviorsRaymond Chip Tafrate, Damon Mitchell, and David J. Simourd
Casebook of Evidence-Based Therapy for Eating DisordersEdited by Heather Thompson-Brenner
The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-Behavior TherapyJacqueline B. Persons

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Buddhist Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician's GuideDennis Tirch, Laura R. Silberstein-Tirch, and Russell L. Kolts
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Foreword by Robert L. Leahy
Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide PreventionCraig J. Bryan and M. David Rudd
Breaking Free from Depression: Pathways to WellnessJesse H. Wright and Laura W. McCray
Binge-Eating Disorder: Clinical Foundations and TreatmentJames E. Mitchell, Michael J. Devlin, Martina de Zwaan, Scott J. Crow, and Carol B. Peterson
Behavioral Activation for Depression: Second Edition: A Clinician's GuideChristopher R. Martell, Sona Dimidjian, and Ruth Herman-Dunn
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and TreatmentEdited by Russell A. Barkley
Assessment in Cognitive TherapyEdited by Gary P. Brown and David A. Clark
The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: Second Edition: The Cognitive Behavioral SolutionDavid A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck