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Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy: Deepening Mindfulness in Clinical PracticeEdited by Christopher Germer and Ronald D. Siegel
Foreword by The Dalai Lama
Foreword by The Dalai Lama
Friedman's FablesEdwin H. Friedman
The Psychology of Prayer: A Scientific ApproachBernard Spilka and Kevin L. Ladd
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Understanding and Addressing the SacredKenneth I. Pargament
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and SynagogueEdwin H. Friedman
Foreword by Gary Emanuel and Mickie Crimone
Foreword by Gary Emanuel and Mickie Crimone
The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your LifeSusan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Mindfulness and the Therapeutic RelationshipEdited by Steven F. Hick and Thomas Bien
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy: Second EditionEdited by Froma Walsh
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and EmotionsChristopher Germer
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Constructive Psychotherapy: Theory and PracticeMichael J. Mahoney
Ethnicity and Family Therapy: Third EditionEdited by Monica McGoldrick, Joe Giordano, and Nydia Garcia Preto
The Psychology of Religious FundamentalismRalph W. Hood, Jr., Peter C. Hill, and W. Paul Williamson
Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of ReligionLee A. Kirkpatrick
Encountering the Sacred in Psychotherapy: How to Talk with People about Their Spiritual LivesJames L. Griffith and Melissa Elliott Griffith
Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and PracticeEdited by Michael E. McCullough, Kenneth I. Pargament, and Carl E. Thoresen
Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary LivesWilliam R. Miller and Janet C'de Baca
The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, PracticeKenneth I. Pargament