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Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social CognitionEdited by Bertram Gawronski and Fritz Strack
Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited LoveRoy F. Baumeister and Sara R. Wotman
Biology of Personality and Individual DifferencesEdited by Turhan Canli
Becoming Who We Are: Temperament and Personality in DevelopmentMary K. Rothbart
Attachment: The Fundamental QuestionsEdited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, and Lisa J. Berlin
Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of ReligionLee A. Kirkpatrick
Attachment Theory and Research: New Directions and Emerging ThemesEdited by Jeffry A. Simpson and W. Steven Rholes

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Attachment Theory Expanded: Security Dynamics in Individuals, Dyads, Groups, and SocietiesMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Attachment Theory Applied: Fostering Personal Growth through Healthy RelationshipsMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Attachment in Religion and Spirituality: A Wider ViewPehr Granqvist
Foreword by Phillip R. Shaver
Foreword by Phillip R. Shaver
Attachment in Adulthood: Second Edition: Structure, Dynamics, and ChangeMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Atlas of Moral PsychologyEdited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham
The Art and Science of Personality DevelopmentDan P. McAdams
Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework ApproachMargaret R. Roller and Paul J. Lavrakas