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DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A)James J. Mazza, Elizabeth T. Dexter-Mazza, Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Heather E. Murphy
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
DBT Skills Manual for AdolescentsJill H. Rathus and Alec L. Miller
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets: Second EditionMarsha M. Linehan

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DBT Skills Training Manual: Second EditionMarsha M. Linehan
Treating Self-Injury: Second Edition: A Practical GuideBarent W. Walsh
Teen Suicide Risk: A Practitioner Guide to Screening, Assessment, and ManagementCheryl A. King, Cynthia Ewell Foster, and Kelly M. Rogalski
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment ManualSabine Wilhelm, Katharine A. Phillips, and Gail Steketee
Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Practical GuideKelly Koerner
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your RelationshipShari Y. Manning
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
The Bipolar Teen: What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your FamilyDavid J. Miklowitz and Elizabeth L. George
Treating Suicidal Behavior: An Effective, Time-Limited ApproachM. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab
Emergencies in Mental Health Practice: Evaluation and ManagementEdited by Phillip M. Kleespies
Risk Management with Suicidal PatientsEdited by Bruce Bongar, Alan L. Berman, Ronald W. Maris, Morton M. Silverman, Eric A. Harris, and Wendy Packman
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality DisorderMarsha M. Linehan