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Helping Your Child Overcome Reading ChallengesDiane H. Tracey
Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído ¿Me conoces?: Tercera edición: Guía Acerca del Déficit Atencional (TDAH) Para Padres, Maestros y ProfesionalesJosé J. Bauermeister
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
How Memory Works—and How to Make It Work for YouRobert Madigan
If Only…: Finding Freedom from RegretRobert L. Leahy
Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate RelationshipLisa Aronson Fontes
It's Not All in Your Head: How Worrying about Your Health Could Be Making You Sick—and What You Can Do about ItGordon J. G. Asmundson and Steven Taylor
Life After Trauma: Second Edition: A Workbook for HealingDena Rosenbloom and Mary Beth Williams
With Barbara E. Watkins
Foreword by Laurie Anne Pearlman
With Barbara E. Watkins
Foreword by Laurie Anne Pearlman
Living Well with OCD: Practical Strategies for Improving Your Daily LifeJonathan S. Abramowitz
Living Well on the Spectrum: How to Use Your Strengths to Meet the Challenges of Asperger Syndrome/High-Functioning AutismValerie L. Gaus
Foreword by Stephen Shore
Foreword by Stephen Shore
Order both items for $56.95, instead of $75.95 if bought separately!
The Lost Art of Listening: Third Edition: How Learning to Listen Can Improve RelationshipsMichael P. Nichols and Martha B. Straus
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your RelationshipShari Y. Manning
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Mind Over Mood: Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkDennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Order both items for $61.95, instead of $83.95 if bought separately!
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and EmotionsChristopher Germer
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Foreword by Sharon Salzberg
Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout: Tools to Help You Heal and Recharge When You're Wrung Out by StressKristin Neff and Christopher Germer
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and ThriveKristin Neff and Christopher Germer
Order both items for $58.95, instead of $79.95 if bought separately!
The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your LifeSusan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Foreword by Zindel Segal