Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group ManualKaren L. Bierman, Mark T. Greenberg, John D. Coie, Kenneth A. Dodge, John E. Lochman, and Robert J. McMahon
Coping with Cancer: DBT Skills to Manage Your Emotions—and Balance Uncertainty with HopeElizabeth Cohn Stuntz and Marsha M. Linehan
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar DisorderThilo Deckersbach, Britta Hölzel, Lori Eisner, Sara W. Lazar, and Andrew A. Nierenberg
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance AbuseLisa M. Najavits
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Helping Children with Aggression and Conduct Problems: Best Practices for InterventionMichael L. Bloomquist and Steven V. Schnell
Getting Past the Affair: Second Edition: A Program to Help You Cope, Heal, and Move On—Together or ApartDouglas K. Snyder, Kristina Coop Gordon, and Donald H. Baucom
Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioral MedicineEdited by Jerry M. Suls, Karina W. Davidson, and Robert M. Kaplan
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and ThriveKristin Neff and Christopher Germer
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD: Second Edition: A Case Formulation ApproachClaudia Zayfert and Carolyn Black Becker
Atlas of Moral PsychologyEdited by Kurt Gray and Jesse Graham
Handbook of Emotions: Fourth EditionEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones
CBT Strategies for Anxious and Depressed Children and Adolescents: A Clinician's ToolkitEduardo L. Bunge, Javier Mandil, Andrés J. Consoli, and Martín Gomar
Foreword by Bruce F. Chorpita
Foreword by Bruce F. Chorpita
CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum DisordersEdited by Angela Scarpa, Susan Williams White, and Tony Attwood
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