Mind Over Mood: Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkDennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Treating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem-Solving ApproachRoss W. Greene and J. Stuart Ablon
Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders: The Women's Recovery Group ManualShelly F. Greenfield
The Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Carlos M. Grilo and James E. Mitchell
The Self in Process: Toward A Post-Rationalist Cognitive TherapyVittorio F. Guidano
Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy: Sixth EditionEdited by Kathryn S. K. Hall and Yitzchak M. Binik
Treating Sleep Problems: A Transdiagnostic ApproachAllison G. Harvey and Daniel J. Buysse
Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral TraditionEdited by Steven C. Hayes, Victoria M. Follette, and Marsha M. Linehan
Neuropsychology in the Courtroom: Expert Analysis of Reports and TestimonyEdited by Robert L. Heilbronner
The Abused Child: Psychodynamic Understanding and TreatmentToni Vaughn Heineman
Multisystemic Therapy for Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Second EditionScott W. Henggeler, Sonja K. Schoenwald, Charles M. Borduin, Melisa D. Rowland, and Phillippe B. Cunningham
Perfectionism: A Relational Approach to Conceptualization, Assessment, and TreatmentPaul L. Hewitt, Gordon L. Flett, and Samuel F. Mikail
Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse: A Guide to Integrative Practice
Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt

Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Young Children: Second Edition: Effective Interventions in the Preschool and Kindergarten YearsMelissa L. Holland, Jessica Hawks, and Gretchen Gimpel Peacock
Experiential Therapies for Eating DisordersEdited by Lynne M. Hornyak and Ellen K. Baker
Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Second Edition: Risk across the LifespanEdited by Rick E. Ingram and Joseph M. Price
The Mindful School: Transforming School Culture through Mindfulness and CompassionEdited by Patricia A. Jennings
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and BulimiaEdited by Craig L. Johnson
Overcoming Test Anxiety: Tools to Support Students from Early Adolescence to Adulthood
Alex Jordan and Benjamin J. Lovett

Prescriptive Play Therapy: Tailoring Interventions for Specific Childhood ProblemsEdited by Heidi Gerard Kaduson, Donna Cangelosi, and Charles E. Schaefer
Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: A Casebook for Clinical PracticeEdited by Philip C. Kendall