Treating Addicted Survivors of TraumaKatie Evans and J. Michael Sullivan
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating DisordersChristopher G. Fairburn
Feminist Perspectives on Eating DisordersEdited by Patricia Fallon, Melanie A. Katzman, and Susan C. Wooley
Experiencing Schema Therapy from the Inside Out: A Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Workbook for TherapistsJoan M. Farrell and Ida A. Shaw
Foreword by Wendy T. Behary and Jeffrey E. Young
Foreword by Wendy T. Behary and Jeffrey E. Young
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Second EditionEdited by Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, and Henry S. Roane
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Step-by-Step Treatment ManualEdited by Christopher A. Flessner and John C. Piacentini
Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSDEdna B. Foa and Barbara Olasov Rothbaum
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma: Second EditionEdited by Victoria M. Follette and Josef I. Ruzek
What Works for Whom?: Second Edition: A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and AdolescentsPeter Fonagy, David Cottrell, Jeannette Phillips, Dickon Bevington, Danya Glaser, and Elizabeth Allison
Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic ModelsEdited by Julian D. Ford and Christine A. Courtois
Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adults: Second Edition: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic ModelsEdited by Julian D. Ford and Christine A. Courtois
Foreword by Judith Lewis Herman
Afterword by Bessel A. van der Kolk
Foreword by Judith Lewis Herman
Afterword by Bessel A. van der Kolk
Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachMartin E. Franklin, Jennifer B. Freeman, and John S. March
Handbook of PTSD: Third Edition: Science and PracticeEdited by Matthew J. Friedman, Paula P. Schnurr, and Terence M. Keane
Psychotherapy for Children with Bipolar and Depressive DisordersMary A. Fristad, Jill S. Goldberg Arnold, and Jarrod M. Leffler
Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders: Second EditionEdited by David M. Garner and Paul E. Garfinkel
Psychological Interventions for Children with Sensory DysregulationRuth Goldfinger Golomb and Suzanne Mouton-Odum
Parents as Partners in Child Therapy: A Clinician's GuideParis Goodyear-Brown
Treating Bulimia in Adolescents: A Family-Based ApproachDaniel Le Grange and James Lock
Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Daniel Le Grange and James Lock
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating DisordersRiccardo Dalle Grave and Simona Calugi
Foreword by Christopher G. Fairburn
Foreword by Christopher G. Fairburn
Handbook of Experiential PsychotherapyEdited by Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, and Germain O. Lietaer
Mind Over Mood: Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkDennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck