COVID-19: Psychological Research from 2020 on the Emerging PandemicEdited by The Guilford Press
Attachment Theory Expanded: Security Dynamics in Individuals, Dyads, Groups, and SocietiesMario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby ApproachArietta Slade
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
Has Your Child Been Traumatized?: How to Know and What to Do to Promote Healing and RecoveryMelissa Goldberg Mintz
Foreword by Jon G. Allen
Foreword by Jon G. Allen
Military Psychology: Third Edition: Clinical and Operational ApplicationsEdited by Carrie H. Kennedy and Eric A. Zillmer
How Connections Heal: Stories from Relational-Cultural TherapyEdited by Maureen Walker and Wendy B. Rosen
Foreword by Jean Baker Miller
Foreword by Jean Baker Miller
Supplementary Materials for Mindfulness and Meditation in Trauma TreatmentWe are pleased to offer supplementary resources for Mindfulness and Meditation in Trauma Treatment: The Inner Resources for Stress Program, by Lynn C. Waelde.
Principles and Practice of Stress Management: Fourth EditionEdited by Paul M. Lehrer and Robert L. Woolfolk
Foreword by Omer Van den Bergh
Foreword by Omer Van den Bergh
Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern PsychologyChristina Feldman and Willem Kuyken
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Foreword by Zindel Segal
Treating PTSD in Military Personnel: Second Edition: A Clinical HandbookEdited by Bret A. Moore and Walter E. Penk
Foreword by Matthew J. Friedman
Foreword by Matthew J. Friedman
Using Music in Child and Adolescent PsychotherapyLaura E. Beer and Jacqueline C. Birnbaum
Handbook of Infant Mental Health: Fourth EditionEdited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.
Featured Authors - Kristin NeffCheck out a Q&A with our featured author, Kristin Neff
Psychodynamic Psychiatry: The Official Journal of The American Academy of Psychodynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
Editors: César A. Alfonso, MD, Columbia University and Jennifer I. Downey, MD, Columbia University

Treating Military ClientsGuilford recognizes the growing need for mental health resources directly addressing the unique experiences of active duty service members, veterans, and their families.
Handbook of Positive EmotionsEdited by Michele M. Tugade, Michelle N. Shiota, and Leslie D. Kirby
Foreword by Barbara L. Fredrickson
Foreword by Barbara L. Fredrickson
Counseling Cops: What Clinicians Need to KnowEllen Kirschman, Mark Kamena, and Joel Fay
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
Foreword by Ellen Scrivner
Screen-Smart Parenting: How to Find Balance and Benefit in Your Child's Use of Social Media, Apps, and Digital DevicesJodi Gold
Foreword by Tory Burch
Foreword by Tory Burch
Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st CenturyEdited by Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, Ruth A. Ervin, Edward J. Daly III, and Kenneth W. Merrell
Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive InquiryFrederick J. Wertz, Kathy Charmaz, Linda M. McMullen, Ruthellen Josselson, Rosemarie Anderson, and Emalinda McSpadden