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Supplementary Materials for Book Buddies: Third EditionWe are pleased to offer supplementary resources for Book Buddies: Third Edition: A Tutoring Framework for Struggling Readers, by Marcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner, Francine R. Johnston, and...
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Supplementary Materials for Doing Statistical Mediation and ModerationWe are pleased to offer an extensive set of supplemental resources to accompany Doing Statistical Mediation and Moderation, by Paul E. Jose.
Supplementary Materials for Expecting Mindfully: Nourish Your Emotional Well-Being and Prevent Depression during Pregnancy and PostpartumWe are pleased to offer supplementary resources for Expecting Mindfully: Nourish Your Emotional Well-Being and Prevent Depression during Pregnancy and Postpartum, by Sona Dimidjian and Sherryl H.
Supplementary Materials for Fathers and ViolenceWe are pleased to offer supplementary materials to accompany Fathers and Violence: A Program to Change Behavior, Improve Parenting, and Heal Relationships, by Carla Smith Stover.
Supplementary Materials for Getting Unstuck from PTSD: Using Cognitive Processing Therapy to Guide Your RecoveryWe are pleased to offer supplementary materials to accompany Getting Unstuck from PTSD: Using Cognitive Processing Therapy to Guide Your Recovery, by Patricia A. Resick, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman...