Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of ReligionLee A. Kirkpatrick
Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and TreatmentEdited by David A. Clark
Treating Suicidal Behavior: An Effective, Time-Limited ApproachM. David Rudd, Thomas E. Joiner, and M. Hasan Rajab
Assessing Psychological Trauma and PTSD: Second EditionEdited by John P. Wilson and Terence M. Keane
Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachSteven Taylor and Gordon J. G. Asmundson
Treating Psychological Trauma and PTSDEdited by John P. Wilson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Jacob D. Lindy
Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for KidsEllen Braaten and Gretchen Felopulos
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual ClientsChristopher R. Martell, Steven A. Safren, and Stacey E. Prince
Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar DisorderMary A. Fristad and Jill S. Goldberg Arnold
Early Intervention for Trauma and Traumatic LossEdited by Brett T. Litz
Working with Emotions in PsychotherapyLeslie S. Greenberg and Sandra C. Paivio
Treating Difficult Couples: Helping Clients with Coexisting Mental and Relationship DisordersEdited by Douglas K. Snyder and Mark A. Whisman
Passive Muscle Relaxation: A Program for Client UseMark S. Schwartz and Stephen N. Haynes
The Alcoholic Family in Recovery: A Developmental ModelStephanie Brown and Virginia Lewis
Gender and PTSDEdited by Rachel Kimerling, Paige Ouimette, and Jessica Wolfe
Designing Preschool Interventions: A Practitioner's GuideDavid W. Barnett, Susan H. Bell, and Karen T. Carey
Developmental Psychopathology and Family Process: Theory, Research, and Clinical ImplicationsE. Mark Cummings, Patrick T. Davies, and Susan B. Campbell
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance AbuseLisa M. Najavits
Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSDEdna B. Foa and Barbara Olasov Rothbaum
Expressing Emotion: Myths, Realities, and Therapeutic StrategiesEileen Kennedy-Moore and Jeanne C. Watson
The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, PracticeKenneth I. Pargament
Emergencies in Mental Health Practice: Evaluation and ManagementEdited by Phillip M. Kleespies