Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Brain-Gut ConnectionBrenda B. Toner, Zindel Segal, Shelagh D. Emmott, and David Myran
The Development of Emotional CompetenceCarolyn Saarni
Handbook of Experiential PsychotherapyEdited by Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, and Germain O. Lietaer
Constructive Therapies V2: Volume 2Edited by Michael F. Hoyt
Narrative Solutions in Brief TherapyJoseph B. Eron and Thomas W. Lund
The Abused Child: Psychodynamic Understanding and TreatmentToni Vaughn Heineman
Case Studies in Organizational Communication 2: Second Edition: Perspectives on Contemporary Work LifeEdited by Beverly Davenport Sypher
Treating Addicted Survivors of TraumaKatie Evans and J. Michael Sullivan
Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited LoveRoy F. Baumeister and Sara R. Wotman
Cognitive Therapy for Depressed AdolescentsT.C.R. Wilkes, Gayle Belsher, A. John Rush, Ellen Frank, and Associates
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Personality and Psychopathology: Feminist ReappraisalsEdited by Laura S. Brown and Mary Ballou
Countertransference in the Treatment of PTSDEdited by John P. Wilson and Jacob D. Lindy
Treating Family of Origin Problems: A Cognitive ApproachRichard C. Bedrosian and George D. Bozicas
Surviving Mental Illness: Stress, Coping, and AdaptationAgnes B. Hatfield and Harriet P. Lefley
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality DisorderMarsha M. Linehan
Treating PTSD: Cognitive-Behavioral StrategiesEdited by David W. Foy
The Self in Process: Toward A Post-Rationalist Cognitive TherapyVittorio F. Guidano
Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality DisorderFrank W. Putnam