Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual Students
Practices to Support English Learners
Lori Helman, Anne C. Ittner, and Kristen L. McMaster
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 21, 2019
ISBN 9781462540891
Price: $54.00 230 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderOctober 22, 2019
ISBN 9781462540884
Price: $36.00230 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Lori Helman, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota, where she is also Director of the Minnesota Center for Reading Research. Her research interests include literacy development, assessment, and instruction in English and Spanish; word study and vocabulary learning and teaching; and ways to support literacy professionals to implement schoolwide systems of support in literacy. She is the author or editor of several books, including Literacy Development with English Learners, Second Edition: Research-Based Instruction in Grades K–6 and Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual Students: Practices to Support English Learners .
Anne C. Ittner, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Literacy Education in the Division of Education and Leadership at Western Oregon University. Her research interests include literacy education for emergent bilinguals in elementary schools, specifically in the areas of assessment, intervention, and multi-tiered systems of support, and literacy professional development and teacher education.
Kristen L. McMaster, PhD, is Professor of Special Education and Guy Bond Chair of Reading in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. McMaster's work addresses creating conditions for successful response to intervention for students at risk and students with disabilities. Specific research interests include promoting teachers’ use of data-based decision making and evidence-based instruction, and developing intensive, individualized interventions for students for whom generally effective instruction is not sufficient. Dr. McMaster is a former special education teacher.
Anne C. Ittner, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Literacy Education in the Division of Education and Leadership at Western Oregon University. Her research interests include literacy education for emergent bilinguals in elementary schools, specifically in the areas of assessment, intervention, and multi-tiered systems of support, and literacy professional development and teacher education.
Kristen L. McMaster, PhD, is Professor of Special Education and Guy Bond Chair of Reading in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. McMaster's work addresses creating conditions for successful response to intervention for students at risk and students with disabilities. Specific research interests include promoting teachers’ use of data-based decision making and evidence-based instruction, and developing intensive, individualized interventions for students for whom generally effective instruction is not sufficient. Dr. McMaster is a former special education teacher.