Contemporary Intellectual Assessment

Fourth Edition
Theories, Tests, and Issues

Edited by Dawn P. Flanagan and Erin M. McDonough
Foreword by Alan S. Kaufman

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 17, 2018
ISBN 9781462535781
Price: $126.00
1130 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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Price: $84.00
1130 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
July 23, 2018
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Foreword, Alan S. Kaufman

I. The Origins of Intellectual Assessment

1. A History of Intelligence Assessment: The Unfinished Tapestry, John D. Wasserman

2. A History of Intelligence Test Interpretation, Randy W. Kamphaus, Anne Pierce Winsor, Ellen W. Rowe, & Sangwon Kim

II. Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives

3. The Cattell–Horn–Carroll Theory of Cognitive Abilities, W. Joel Schneider & Kevin S. McGrew

4. Assessment from the Perspective of Multiple-Intelligences Theory: Principles, Practices, and Values, Jie-Qi Chen & Howard Gardner

5. The Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence, Robert J. Sternberg

6. Redefining Intelligence with the Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive Theory of Neurocognitive Processes, Jack A. Naglieri & Tulio M. Otero

7. The Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory: Assessing Intelligence from Brain Images, Richard J. Haier & Rex E. Jung

8. Intelligence-as-Process, Personality, Interests, and Intelligence-as-Knowledge: A Framework for Adult Intellectual Development, Phillip L. Ackerman

III. Contemporary Intelligence, Cognitive, and Neuropsychological Batteries, and Associated Achievement Tests

9. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence—Fourth Edition, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition, and Wechsler Individual Achievement Test—Third Edition, Dustin Wahlstrom, Susan Engi Raiford, Kristina C. Breaux, Jianjun Zhu, & Lawrence G. Weiss

10. The WJ IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development, Fredrick A. Schrank & Barbara J. Wendling

11. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition Integrated, Susan Engi Raiford

12. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children—Second Edition and KABC-II Normative Update, Lisa Whipple Drozdick, Jennie Kaufman Singer, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger, James C. Kaufman, Alan S. Kaufman, & Nadeen L. Kaufman

13. The Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition, Colin D. Elliott, Joseph D. Salerno, Ron Dumont, & John O. Willis

14. The Woodcock–Johnson IV: Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral Language, Tests of Achievement, Fredrick A. Schrank, & Barbara J. Wendling

15. The Cognitive Assessment System—Second Edition: From Theory to Practice, Jack A. Naglieri & Tulio M. Otero

16. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition and the Wechsler Memory Scale—Fourth Edition, Lisa Whipple Drozdick, Susan Engi Raiford, Dustin Wahlstrom, & Lawrence G. Weiss

17. The Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability: Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations, Jack A. Naglieri & Tulio M. Otero

18. The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales—Second Edition and the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, Tara C. Raines, Cecil R. Reynolds, & Randy W. Kamphaus

19. The NEPSY-II, Robb N. Matthews & John L. Davis

20. The Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test—Second Edition: A Multidimensional Nonverbal Alternative for Cognitive Assessment, R. Steve McCallum & Bruce A. Bracken

IV. Relevance of Tests of Intelligence, Cognitive Abilities, and Neuropsychological Processes in Understanding Individual Differences

21. Use of Intelligence Tests in the Identification of Giftedness, David E. McIntosh, Felicia A. Dixon, & Eric E. Pierson

22. Use of Ability Tests in the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities within the Context of an Operational Definition, Dawn P. Flanagan, Vincent C. Alfonso, Michael Costa, Katherine Palma, & Meghan Leahy

23. Use of Intelligence Tests in the Identification of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability, Ryan L. Farmer & Randy G. Floyd

24. Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment of Individuals with Sensory and Physical Disabilities and Traumatic Brain Injury, Scott L. Decker, Julia Englund Strait, Alycia M. Roberts, & Joseph Ferraracci

25. Testing with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: New Directions in Fairness and Validity, Samuel O. Ortiz, Nicole Piazza, Salvador Hector Ochoa, & Agnieszka M. Dynda

V. Linking Assessment Data to Intervention

26. Cognitive Hypothesis Testing: Linking Test Results to the Real World, Catherine A. Fiorello & Kirby L. Wycoff

27. Cross-Battery Assessment, the Cross-Battery Assessment Software System, and the Assessment–Intervention Connection, Dawn P. Flanagan, Michael Costa, Meghan Leahy, Katherine Palma, Vincent C. Alfonso, & Samuel O. Ortiz

28. Linking Cognitive Abilities to Academic Interventions for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, Nancy Mather & Barbara J. Wendling

29. The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement—Third Edition, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition, and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition Integrated: Integrating Data for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Specific Learning Disability, Jaclyn D. Morrison, Jennie Kaufman Singer, & Susan Engi Raiford

VI. Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Intellectual, Cognitive, and Neuropsychological Assessment

30. Using the Joint Test Standards to Evaluate the Validity Evidence for Intelligence Tests, Alyssa Montgomery, Erica Torres, & Jamie Eiseman

31. Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Aid in Understanding the Constructs Measured by Intelligence Tests, Timothy Z. Keith & Matthew R. Reynolds

32. Functional Cattell–Horn–Carroll Nomenclature for Practical Applications, Richard W. Woodcock, Denise E. Maricle, Daniel C. Miller, & Ryan J. McGill

33. The Emergence of Neuropsychological Constructs into Tests of Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities, Daniel C. Miller & Denise E. Maricle

34. Enhancing the Identification of Reading Disorders with Neuropsychological Tests, Marlene Sotelo-Dynega

35. Incorporating Recent Advances in Understanding Word-Reading Skills into SLD Diagnoses: The Case of Orthographic Mapping, David Kilpatrick

36. The Role of Cognitive and Intelligence Tests in the Assessment of Executive Functions, Denise E. Maricle & Erin K. Avirett

37. The Role of Cognitive and Intelligence Tests in DSM-5 Diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder, Erin M. McDonough, Dawn P. Flanagan, Megan Sy, & Vincent C. Alfonso

38. Should our Future Include the Integration of Evidence-Based Neuropsychological Services into School Settings?, Elizabeth Power & Rik Carl D’Amato

39. Intellectual, Cognitive, and Neuropsychological Assessment in Three-Tier Service Delivery Systems in Schools, George McCloskey, Jaime Slonim, & Deanna Rumohr