Feminist Evaluation and Research

Theory and Practice

Edited by Sharon Brisolara, Denise Seigart, and Saumitra SenGupta

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
April 29, 2014
ISBN 9781462515202
Price: $57.00
368 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
April 29, 2014
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Price: $57.00
368 Pages
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368 Pages
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Sharon Brisolara, PhD, is a program evaluator and owner of Evaluation Solutions, an evaluation organization located in Northern California. Her interests include feminist evaluation, qualitative research, mixed-methods evaluations, participatory evaluation, and evaluation capacity building. Dr. Brisolara has trained nonprofit professionals and community residents in evaluation skills and teaches sociology at Shasta College and National University.

Denise Seigart, PhD, is an educational consultant specializing in administration and research in college and university settings. She has been a nurse, teacher, administrator, and advocate of feminist evaluation for many years. Dr. Seigart's research interests include feminist and participatory approaches to evaluation of health care services for women and children, for the purpose of fostering community learning.

Saumitra SenGupta, PhD, has worked in mental health services research in California and nationally for over 15 years. He has served in a number of capacities, including as a faculty member of the University of Arizona Medical School and a research psychologist for San Francisco County Mental Health Services. He is currently Director of Information Systems at the California Mental Health External Quality Review Organization in Sacramento. Dr. SenGupta is an expert in quantitative and qualitative research methods and utilizing mental health information systems for such research, and has served as an elected board member of the American Evaluation Association.