Feminist Evaluation and Research
Theory and Practice
Edited by Sharon Brisolara, Denise Seigart, and Saumitra SenGupta
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 29, 2014
ISBN 9781462515202
Price: $57.00 368 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
“The feminist evaluation and research principles, and the reflective questions raised in the first section, are explored throughout the volume and well illustrated by the authors’ own experiences. There is an honesty in the volume about the realities of undertaking research and evaluation that places women at the center, particularly in places where equity and inclusion for women cannot be taken for granted….It sets the scene for renewed understandings and reinvigorated conversations about how feminist evaluation and research might engage with peoples around the globe.”

—American Journal of Evaluation
“Suitable for both entry-level and advanced scholars, this book offers an introduction to feminist theory and methodology as utilized within evaluation and research designs across global contexts and a range of social issues. It presents key theories and concepts while addressing the tensions between doing research and evaluation, with a particular focus on social justice models. Concise, thought-provoking editorial comments identify important points of agreement and debate across the chapters. Readers will come away with a clear sense of what feminism looks like in evaluation and research practice and what it can potentially yield, as well as a grasp of the main issues and challenges of using a feminist approach.”

—Wanda S. Pillow, PhD, Department of Education, Culture, and Society, University of Utah
“Researchers and evaluators will find this text enlightening and useful. Reading this book gave me greater knowledge of and appreciation for feminist theory, research, and evaluation. The editors are quite savvy in addressing feminist evaluation worldwide, rather than focusing entirely on a Western framework. The book incorporates perspectives from a range of geographic and cultural areas currently facing difficult dilemmas regarding gender and ways to achieve a more balanced society.”

—Wendy L. Hicks, PhD, Department of Criminal Justice, Loyola University New Orleans
“I plan to adopt this book for my graduate social work research classes because it provides such a smooth integration of theory and practical applications. The book clarifies the differences between research and evaluation and between gender-based and feminist research, as well as areas of overlap. It dares to tackle some of the most challenging issues in feminist research: the role of the researcher/evaluator, values, power differentials, rigor and bias, and more. Examples of feminist research and evaluation from around the globe are presented in a way that enables the reader to understand and follow the methods used. This is a great addition to my research library.”

—Lacey Sloan, PhD, MSSW, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, College of Staten Island, City University of New York

—American Journal of Evaluation
“Suitable for both entry-level and advanced scholars, this book offers an introduction to feminist theory and methodology as utilized within evaluation and research designs across global contexts and a range of social issues. It presents key theories and concepts while addressing the tensions between doing research and evaluation, with a particular focus on social justice models. Concise, thought-provoking editorial comments identify important points of agreement and debate across the chapters. Readers will come away with a clear sense of what feminism looks like in evaluation and research practice and what it can potentially yield, as well as a grasp of the main issues and challenges of using a feminist approach.”

—Wanda S. Pillow, PhD, Department of Education, Culture, and Society, University of Utah
“Researchers and evaluators will find this text enlightening and useful. Reading this book gave me greater knowledge of and appreciation for feminist theory, research, and evaluation. The editors are quite savvy in addressing feminist evaluation worldwide, rather than focusing entirely on a Western framework. The book incorporates perspectives from a range of geographic and cultural areas currently facing difficult dilemmas regarding gender and ways to achieve a more balanced society.”

—Wendy L. Hicks, PhD, Department of Criminal Justice, Loyola University New Orleans
“I plan to adopt this book for my graduate social work research classes because it provides such a smooth integration of theory and practical applications. The book clarifies the differences between research and evaluation and between gender-based and feminist research, as well as areas of overlap. It dares to tackle some of the most challenging issues in feminist research: the role of the researcher/evaluator, values, power differentials, rigor and bias, and more. Examples of feminist research and evaluation from around the globe are presented in a way that enables the reader to understand and follow the methods used. This is a great addition to my research library.”

—Lacey Sloan, PhD, MSSW, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, College of Staten Island, City University of New York