Making Inclusion Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

An Evidence-Based Guide

Tristram Smith

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
October 18, 2011
ISBN 9781606239322
Price: $51.00
380 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
November 15, 2011
Price: $51.00
380 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $102.00 $61.20
380 Pages
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I. General Considerations

1. Autism Spectrum Disorders

2. Evidence-Based Interventions and Supported Inclusion of Students with ASD

II. Preparation

3. Evaluating the Student, Caroline I. Magyar, Vincent Pandolfi, and Robin Bender

4. Planning Data Collection and Monitoring Progress, Daniel W. Mruzek

5. Team Building and Training, Christine Peterson

6. Preparing the Student: Transition from Special Education to Inclusive Settings, Dennis Mozingo and Mae Barker

III. Implementation

7. Adapting the Daily Routine

8. Individualizing the General Education Curriculum

9. Individual Instruction, Part 1: Teaching Approaches, Daniel W. Mruzek, Laura Silverman, and Betsy Varghese

10. Individual Instruction, Part 2: Examples and Teaching Programs

11. Peer Interaction, Tasha C. Geiger

12. Problem Behavior, Deborah A. Napolitano and David B. McAdam

13. Sustaining Inclusion: Systems Change, Christine M. Burns and Linda L. Matons