Making Inclusion Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

An Evidence-Based Guide

Tristram Smith

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
October 18, 2011
ISBN 9781606239322
Price: $51.00
380 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
November 15, 2011
Price: $51.00
380 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $102.00 $61.20
380 Pages
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“More and more learners with ASD are being placed in general education settings, and there is a real need for practical resources to help educators meet these students' needs. This comprehensive, clearly written book provides a foundation for designing and implementing high-quality, evidence-based instruction. Both special and general educators will find much of value here. Instructors who teach courses on inclusion of students with ASD will find this book to be an excellent option for their classes.”

—Richard L. Simpson, EdD, Department of Special Education, University of Kansas

“This is a very useful book! It is full of examples of specific activities and strategies for educating children and adolescents of all ages who have symptoms of varying severity. It is written with clarity and ease of access. The book is quite a treasure for launching new teachers into their classroom careers; for experienced teachers who need to update their skills to be effective with learners with ASD; and for school psychologists.”

—Sandra L. Harris, PhD, Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor Emerita, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

“In recent years, there have been major advances in interventions for young children with ASD, and Smith has been one of the foremost workers in this field. However, the transition from specialized early intervention programs to more integrated settings continues to present major challenges. This book fills a gap by offering a wealth of information about strategies for enhancing children's learning and encouraging successful integration. It will be of enormous benefit to educators working to help students with ASD succeed in inclusive classrooms.”

—Patricia Howlin, PhD, Professor of Clinical Child Psychology, King’s College London, United Kingdom

“This book should be on the desk of every teacher and special educator working with children with ASD. The book gives concrete information on how to use evidence-based procedures in general education. It is comprehensive, highly readable, and filled with useful examples and worksheets.”

—Svein Eikeseth, PhD, Founder and Clinical Director, NOVA Institute for Children with Developmental Disorders, Norway

“This excellent book describes how to create a successful inclusive environment for learners on the autism spectrum. Smith combines his scholarly knowledge of the spectrum with his practical experience in helping individuals reach their potential. A 'must have' for educators.”

—Brenda Smith Myles, PhD, consultant, Ziggurat Group, Plano, Texas