The Age of Migration
Sixth Edition
International Population Movements in the Modern World
Hein de Haas, Stephen Castles, and Mark J. Miller
A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
orderJanuary 16, 2020
ISBN 9781462542895
Price: $61.00 443 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Published by the Guilford Press in cooperation with Bloomsbury. Available from Guilford in the United States and its dependencies, Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines. For distribution elsewhere, contact Bloomsbury.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Maps
List of Boxes
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Note on Migration Statistics
The Age of Migration Website
List of Abbreviations
2. Categories of Migration
3. Theories of Migration
4. Migration, Ethnicity and Identity
5. International Migration before 1945
6. Migration in Europe since 1945
7. Migration in the Americas
8. Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region
9. Migration in Africa and the Middle East
10. The State, Politics and Migration
11. The Evolution and Effectiveness of Migration Policies
12. Migrants and Minorities in the Labour Force
13. New Ethnic Minorities and Society
14. Migration and Development in Origin Societies
15. Conclusion