The Age of Migration
Sixth Edition
International Population Movements in the Modern World
Hein de Haas, Stephen Castles, and Mark J. Miller
A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
orderJanuary 16, 2020
ISBN 9781462542895
Price: $61.00 443 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Published by the Guilford Press in cooperation with Bloomsbury. Available from Guilford in the United States and its dependencies, Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines. For distribution elsewhere, contact Bloomsbury.
New to this edition:
- A wealth of new data, increased attention to non-Western regions and perspectives, and stronger analysis of long-term trends.
- Chapter critically evaluating different categories used to describe migrants and analyze migration, including a myth-busting discussion of "climate refugees."
- Chapter on the evolution and effectiveness of migration policies.
- Chapter on how migration affects origin countries.
- Expanded coverage of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
- Analyses of timely topics, including anti-immigrant politics and Islamophobia; migration policies under Trump; large-scale refugee movements; the growth of new types of mobility for such purposes as education, marriage or retirement; and the tools governments use to control migration (the "Migration Policy Toolbox").
- Glossary of key terms, which are highlighted throughout the text.