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Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom: Second Edition: Promoting Mental Health and Academic SuccessBarbara A. Gueldner, Laura L. Feuerborn, and Kenneth W. Merrell
Foreword by Roger P. Weissberg
Foreword by Roger P. Weissberg
Closing the Literacy Gap: Accelerating the Progress of Underperforming StudentsThomas G. Gunning
Foreword by Raven Jones Stanbrough
Foreword by Raven Jones Stanbrough
The Power of Peers in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning and Social SkillsEdited by Karen R. Harris and Lynn Meltzer
Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: Third Edition: The Check-In, Check-Out InterventionLeanne S. Hawken, Deanne A. Crone, Kaitlin Bundock, and Robert H. Horner
Mindful Teaching with Technology: Digital Diligence in the English Language Arts, Grades 6-12Troy Hicks
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
The Data-Driven School: Collaborating to Improve Student OutcomesDaniel M. Hyson, Joseph F. Kovaleski, Benjamin Silberglitt, and Jason A. Pedersen
Interventions for Reading Problems: Second Edition: Designing and Evaluating Effective StrategiesEdward J. Daly III, Sabina Neugebauer, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Christopher H. Skinner
Word Study for Literacy Leaders: Guiding Professional LearningEdited by Anne C. Ittner, Amy Frederick, Darl Kiernan, and Donald R. Bear
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling ReadersAndrew P. Johnson
Overcoming Test Anxiety: Tools to Support Students from Early Adolescence to Adulthood
Alex Jordan and Benjamin J. Lovett

Teaching Beginning WritersDavid L. Coker Jr. and Kristen D. Ritchey
The RTI Approach to Evaluating Learning Disabilities: Second EditionJoseph F. Kovaleski, Amanda M. VanDerHeyden, Timothy J. Runge, Perry A. Zirkel, and Edward S. Shapiro
Literacy Changemakers: Bringing the Joy of Reading and Writing into Focus for Teachers and StudentsKenneth Kunz, Maureen Hall, and Rachel Lella
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key StrategiesKathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Robin Parks Ennis, and Wendy Peia Oakes
Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Third Edition: Insights from LinguisticsKristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro, and Gareth Charles
The Early Education Leader's Guide: Program Leadership and Professional Learning for the 21st CenturyNonie K. Lesaux, Stephanie Jones, Annie Connors, and Robin Kane
Cracking the Common Core: Choosing and Using Texts in Grades 6-12William E. Lewis, Sharon Walpole, and Michael C. McKenna
Foreword by Jeffrey Menzer and Jacob Nagy
Foreword by Jeffrey Menzer and Jacob Nagy
Preparing Effective Special Education TeachersNancy Mamlin
Teaching on Solid Ground: Knowledge Foundations for the Teacher of EnglishThomas M. McCann and John V. Knapp
Foreword by Carol D. Lee
Foreword by Carol D. Lee
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Supports in Schools: Linking Assessment to Tier 2 InterventionSara C. McDaniel, Allison L. Bruhn, and Sara Estrapala
Breaking Through the Language Arts Block: Organizing and Managing the Exemplary Literacy DayLesley Mandel Morrow, Kenneth Kunz, and Maureen Hall
Oral Language and Comprehension in Preschool: Teaching the EssentialsLesley Mandel Morrow, Kathleen A. Roskos, and Linda B. Gambrell
40 Strategies for Guiding Readers through Informational TextsBarbara Moss and Virginia Loh-Hagan
Implementing Classwide PBIS: A Guide to Supporting TeachersDiane Myers, Brandi Simonsen, and Jennifer Freeman
Foreword by George Sugai
Foreword by George Sugai
Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K-5Edited by Seth A. Parsons and Margaret Vaughn
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Nell K. Duke