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Writing and Reading Connections: Bridging Research and PracticeEdited by Zoi A. Philippakos and Steve Graham
Foreword by Jill Fitzgerald
Foreword by Jill Fitzgerald
Developing Strategic Writers through Genre Instruction: Resources for Grades 3-5Zoi A. Philippakos, Charles A. MacArthur, and David L. Coker Jr.
Foreword by Steve Graham
Foreword by Steve Graham
Developing Strategic Young Writers through Genre Instruction: Resources for Grades K-2Zoi A. Philippakos and Charles A. MacArthur
Foreword by Jill Fitzgerald
Foreword by Jill Fitzgerald
School Crisis Intervention: An Essential Guide for PractitionersScott Poland and Sara Ferguson
Social and Emotional Learning in Action: Creating Systemic Change in SchoolsEdited by Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, Michael J. Strambler, and Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl
Foreword by Aaliyah A. Samuel
Foreword by Aaliyah A. Samuel
Innovations in Literacy Professional Learning: Strengthening Equity, Access, and SustainabilityEdited by Dana A. Robertson, Leigh A. Hall, and Cynthia H. Brock
Supporting Successful Interventions in Schools: Tools to Plan, Evaluate, and Sustain Effective ImplementationLisa M. Hagermoser Sanetti and Melissa A. Collier-Meek
Classwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Second Edition: A Guide to Proactive Classroom ManagementBrandi Simonsen and Diane Myers
Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6Edited by Louise Spear-Swerling
Safe and Healthy Schools: Second Edition: Practical Prevention StrategiesJeffrey R. Sprague and Hill M. Walker
Assessment for Reading Instruction: Fourth EditionKatherine A. Dougherty Stahl, Kevin Flanigan, and Michael C. McKenna
Expanding Reading Comprehension in Grades 3–6: Effective Instruction for All StudentsKatherine A. Dougherty Stahl and Georgia Earnest García
Developing Reading Comprehension: Effective Instruction for All Students in PreK-2Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl and Georgia Earnest García
Handbook of Effective Literacy Instruction: Research-Based Practice K-8Edited by Barbara M. Taylor and Nell K. Duke
Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students: Core Principles for Getting Literacy Growth Back on TrackMargaret Vaughn and Seth A. Parsons
Teaching with Children's Literature: Theory to PracticeMargaret Vaughn and Dixie D. Massey
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties: Third EditionSharon Vaughn, Alison Boardman, and Janette K. Klingner
Solutions to Critical Behavioral Issues in the ClassroomHill M. Walker
Differentiated Literacy Instruction in Grades 4 and 5: Second Edition: Strategies and ResourcesSharon Walpole, Michael C. McKenna, Zoi A. Philippakos, and John Z. Strong
How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction: Second Edition: Resources for Grades K-3Sharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna
Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades: Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All StudentsJade Wexler, Elizabeth Swanson, and Alexandra Shelton
Assessment Literacy: An Educator's Guide to Understanding Assessment, K-12Thomas DeVere Wolsey, Susan Lenski, and Dana L. Grisham
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Children's Literature in the Reading Program: Fifth Edition: Engaging Young Readers in the 21st CenturyEdited by Deborah A. Wooten, Lauren Aimonette Liang, and Bernice E. Cullinan
Foreword by Richard L. Allington
Foreword by Richard L. Allington
Order both items for $82.95, instead of $112.00 if bought separately!