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Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers: Evidence-Based PracticesEdited by Gary A. Troia
Innovations in Literacy Professional Learning: Strengthening Equity, Access, and SustainabilityEdited by Dana A. Robertson, Leigh A. Hall, and Cynthia H. Brock
Inclusive Instruction: Evidence-Based Practices for Teaching Students with DisabilitiesMary T. Brownell, Sean J. Smith, Jean B. Crockett, and Cynthia C. Griffin
Illuminating Comprehension and Close ReadingIsabel L. Beck and Cheryl A. Sandora
How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction: Second Edition: Resources for Grades K-3Sharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna
Helping Your Child Overcome Reading ChallengesDiane H. Tracey
Help for Struggling Readers: Strategies for Grades 3-8Michael C. McKenna
Handbook of Writing Research: Third Edition
Edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald

Handbook of Writing Research: Second EditionEdited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald
Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension: Second EditionEdited by Susan E. Israel
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Handbook of Research on Literacy and DiversityEdited by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, and Diane Lapp
Foreword by Edmund W. Gordon
Afterword by Eric J. Cooper
Foreword by Edmund W. Gordon
Afterword by Eric J. Cooper
Handbook of Reading InterventionsEdited by Rollanda E. O'Connor and Patricia F. Vadasy
Handbook of Professional Development in Education: Successful Models and Practices, PreK-12Edited by Linda E. Martin, Sherry Kragler, Diana J. Quatroche, and Kathryn L. Bauserman
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Foreword by Andy Hargreaves
Handbook on the Science of Early LiteracyEdited by Sonia Q. Cabell, Susan B. Neuman, and Nicole Patton Terry
Foreword by David K. Dickinson
Foreword by David K. Dickinson
Handbook of Language and Literacy: Second Edition: Development and DisordersEdited by C. Addison Stone, Elaine R. Silliman, Barbara J. Ehren, and Geraldine P. Wallach
Handbook of Effective Literacy Instruction: Research-Based Practice K-8Edited by Barbara M. Taylor and Nell K. Duke
Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 3Edited by Susan B. Neuman and David K. Dickinson
Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 2Edited by David K. Dickinson and Susan B. Neuman
Handbook of Early Literacy Research, Volume 1Edited by Susan B. Neuman and David K. Dickinson
Handbook of Early Childhood EducationEdited by Robert C. Pianta
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Associate Editors: W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, and Susan M. Sheridan
Handbook of Child Development and Early Education: Research to PracticeEdited by Oscar A. Barbarin and Barbara Hanna Wasik
Handbook of Adolescent Literacy ResearchEdited by Leila Christenbury, Randy Bomer, and Peter Smagorinsky