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Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood Intervention: Best PracticesStephen J. Bagnato
Foreword by Rune J. Simeonsson
Foreword by Rune J. Simeonsson
Defiant Teens: Second Edition: A Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Family InterventionRussell A. Barkley and Arthur L. Robin
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and TreatmentEdited by Russell A. Barkley
Barkley Functional Impairment Scale—Children and Adolescents (BFIS-CA)Russell A. Barkley
Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale—Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA)Russell A. Barkley
Pediatric Neuropsychology: Third Edition: Research, Theory, and PracticeEdited by Miriam H. Beauchamp, Robin L. Peterson, M. Douglas Ris, H. Gerry Taylor, and Keith Owen Yeates
ADHD in Adolescents: Development, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by Stephen P. Becker
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Assessing and Managing Violence Risk in JuvenilesRandy Borum and David Verhaagen
Preschool Assessment: Principles and PracticesMarla R. Brassard and Ann E. Boehm
School-Based Observation: A Practical Guide to Assessing Student BehaviorAmy M. Briesch, Robert J. Volpe, and Randy G. Floyd
Treating Adolescents with Substance Use DisordersOscar G. Bukstein
Social and Communication Development in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early Identification, Diagnosis, and InterventionEdited by Tony Charman and Wendy Stone
Autism Spectrum Disorder in the First Years of Life: Research, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by Katarzyna Chawarska and Fred R. Volkmar
Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Assessment and InterventionPeg Dawson and Richard Guare
ADHD Rating Scale—5 for Children and Adolescents: Revised Edition: Checklists, Norms, and Clinical InterpretationGeorge J. DuPaul, Thomas J. Power, Arthur D. Anastopoulos, and Robert Reid
Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and TreatmentAndrew R. Eisen and Charles E. Schaefer
Foreword by David H. Barlow
Foreword by David H. Barlow
Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Fourth Edition: Theories, Tests, and IssuesEdited by Dawn P. Flanagan and Erin M. McDonough
Foreword by Alan S. Kaufman
Foreword by Alan S. Kaufman
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Step-by-Step Treatment ManualEdited by Christopher A. Flessner and John C. Piacentini
Learning Disabilities: Second Edition: From Identification to InterventionJack M. Fletcher, G. Reid Lyon, Lynn S. Fuchs, and Marcia A. Barnes
What Works for Whom?: Second Edition: A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and AdolescentsPeter Fonagy, David Cottrell, Jeannette Phillips, Dickon Bevington, Danya Glaser, and Elizabeth Allison