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Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Second Edition
Edited by Joseph A. Durlak, Celene E. Domitrovich, and Joseph L. Mahoney
Foreword by Maurice J. Elias
Introduction by Timothy P. Shriver
Afterword by The Weissberg Scholars

Foreword by Maurice J. Elias
Introduction by Timothy P. Shriver
Afterword by The Weissberg Scholars
Helping At-Risk Students: Second Edition: A Group Counseling Approach for Grades 6-9Jill Waterman and Elizabeth Walker
Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger: Second Edition: A Cognitive-Behavioral InterventionJim Larson and John E. Lochman
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum
Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety: Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, and Chelsea Lynch
High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in Schools: Assessment and InterventionFrank J. Sansosti, Kelly A. Powell-Smith, and Richard J. Cowan
High-Impact Assessment Reports for Children and Adolescents: A Consumer-Responsive ApproachRobert Lichtenstein and Bruce Ecker
Homework Success for Children with ADHD: A Family-School Intervention ProgramThomas J. Power, James L. Karustis, and Dina F. Habboushe Harth
Implementing Classwide PBIS: A Guide to Supporting TeachersDiane Myers, Brandi Simonsen, and Jennifer Freeman
Foreword by George Sugai
Foreword by George Sugai
Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors: Second Edition: Designing Positive Behavior PlansEdited by Linda M. Bambara and Lee Kern
Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBISKent McIntosh and Steve Goodman
Intervening in Adolescent Problem Behavior: A Family-Centered ApproachThomas J. Dishion and Kate Kavanagh
Interventions for Reading Problems: Second Edition: Designing and Evaluating Effective StrategiesEdward J. Daly III, Sabina Neugebauer, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Christopher H. Skinner
The JASPER Model for Children with Autism: Promoting Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and RegulationConnie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire, and Christina Strawbridge
Language and Literacy Learning in SchoolsEdited by Elaine R. Silliman and Louise C. Wilkinson
Learning Disabilities: Second Edition: From Identification to InterventionJack M. Fletcher, G. Reid Lyon, Lynn S. Fuchs, and Marcia A. Barnes
Lessons of the Pandemic: Disruption, Innovation, and What Schools Need to Move ForwardDavid T. Marshall and Tim Pressley
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools: Research-Based Strategies That WorkKathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Allison L. Bruhn, and Mary Crnobori
Managing the Defiant Child: A Guide to Parent Training
Russell A. Barkley
Produced by Dawkins Productions

Produced by Dawkins Productions
Measuring Noncognitive Skills in School Settings: Assessments of Executive Function and Social-Emotional CompetenciesEdited by Stephanie Jones, Nonie K. Lesaux, and Sophie P. Barnes
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Mental Health Medications for Children: A PrimerRonald T. Brown, Laura Arnstein Carpenter, and Emily Simerly
The Mindful School: Transforming School Culture through Mindfulness and CompassionEdited by Patricia A. Jennings
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents: Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and TeachersRandye J. Semple and Christopher Willard
Foreword by Lisa Miller
Foreword by Lisa Miller