New Titles:
All Titles:
Finding the Right Texts: What Works for Beginning and Struggling ReadersEdited by Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Misty Sailors
Adolescent Literacies: A Handbook of Practice-Based ResearchEdited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Deborah A. Appleman
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction: Third EditionEdited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Heather K. Sheridan-Thomas
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Interventions for Reading Problems: Second Edition: Designing and Evaluating Effective StrategiesEdward J. Daly III, Sabina Neugebauer, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Christopher H. Skinner
Book Buddies: Third Edition: A Tutoring Framework for Struggling ReadersMarcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner, Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel
The Power of Instructional Coaching in Context: A Systems View for Aligning Content and CoachingJacy Ippolito and Rita M. Bean
Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension: Second EditionEdited by Susan E. Israel
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Foreword by Gerald G. Duffy
Word Study for Literacy Leaders: Guiding Professional LearningEdited by Anne C. Ittner, Amy Frederick, Darl Kiernan, and Donald R. Bear
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
Foreword by Shane Templeton, Marcia Invernizzi, and Francine R. Johnston
Effective Instruction for English Language Learners: Supporting Text-Based Comprehension and Communication SkillsJulie Jacobson, Kelly Johnson, and Diane Lapp
The Mindful School: Transforming School Culture through Mindfulness and CompassionEdited by Patricia A. Jennings
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines: General Principles and Practical StrategiesEdited by Tamara L. Jetton and Cynthia Shanahan
Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling ReadersAndrew P. Johnson
Measuring Noncognitive Skills in School Settings: Assessments of Executive Function and Social-Emotional CompetenciesEdited by Stephanie Jones, Nonie K. Lesaux, and Sophie P. Barnes
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Teaching Beginning WritersDavid L. Coker Jr. and Kristen D. Ritchey
Engaging Children with Print: Building Early Literacy Skills through Quality Read-AloudsLaura M. Justice and Amy E. Sofka
Achieving Excellence in Preschool Literacy InstructionEdited by Laura M. Justice and Carol Vukelich
Foreword by William H. Teale
Foreword by William H. Teale
Vocabulary Instruction: Second Edition: Research to PracticeEdited by Edward J. Kame'enui and James F. Baumann
Developing Fluent Readers: Teaching Fluency as a Foundational SkillMelanie R. Kuhn and Lorell Levy
Developing Conceptual Knowledge through Oral and Written Language: Perspectives and Practices, PreK-12Edited by Melanie R. Kuhn and Mariam Jean Dreher
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Foreword by Elfrieda H. Hiebert
Literacy Changemakers: Bringing the Joy of Reading and Writing into Focus for Teachers and StudentsKenneth Kunz, Maureen Hall, and Rachel Lella
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Exemplary Instruction in the Middle Grades: Teaching That Supports Engagement and Rigorous LearningEdited by Diane Lapp and Barbara Moss
Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Third Edition: Insights from LinguisticsKristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro, and Gareth Charles
Reading Success for Struggling Adolescent LearnersEdited by Susan Lenski and Jill Lewis
Writing Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners K-8Susan Lenski and Frances Verbruggen
Making Assessment Matter: Using Test Results to Differentiate Reading InstructionNonie K. Lesaux and Sky H. Marietta